воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

alaska fishing vacations

Lets see what i got to do here:

TONIGHT: put sheaths on 2 body suits, Box up and get ready to ship 5 things
MONDAY: ship out some boxes, laundry, format Media PC (might format Media PC tonight"
TUESDAY: ship out some more boxes, start packing up the rest of stuff
WEDNESDAY: Take down bed and cabinet, fill out some papers, emails
THURSDAY: Format my PC, Do some new plaster molds.
FRIDAY: Clean, then RELAX
SATURDAY: Finish packing up what is needed, emails
SUNDAY: Brother comes in the morning to help with move, move all the shit from here to Hamilton. Then Pho.

Anyone want to come keep me company XD

fodor stephanie, alaska fishing vacations, alaska fishing work.

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