понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

congregational federation

I�am just simply a vile person sometimes.�

I�just spent the last few hours cleaning, in an effort to get into the closet in Andre and my room.� (Gotta say, I�have no idea how Andre managed to survive on his own for so long. Men are just gross.)�

Anyway, when I finally got into it, I realized that he had actually yet to unpack the vast majority of the stuff he brought with him after he moved in here.�

2 years ago.

Needless to say, I was a little bit surprised.� And amused.� So I started digging and unpacking for him (with his only grudging assistance.)� In addition to virtually doubling his wardrobe, I also found out that when he left his last apartment after his breakup with Andrea, he just grabbed piles of stuff, stuffed it into duffel bags and whatnot, and left.� Without really checking to see what heapos;d grabbed.

As it turns out, he ended up grabbing a bunch of Andreaapos;s stuff in the process.� Which I had the dubious pleasure of unearthing.�

Itapos;s an odd, and somewhat unfortunate, feeling to be cleaning your fianceapos;s closet and come across stuff that belonged to the Senior Significant Other.� Itapos;s especially unfortunate when you have your own reasons for intensely disliking that woman, which are somewhat independent from my knee-jerk "you hurt my Andre, bitch" mild dislike I usually approach exes with.� Iapos;m talking about dislike to the extent of utter loathing in Dreaapos;s case.�� There are only two exes of his I�can really say that about: Drea and Melissa.� (Mel for obvious reasons, Drea for reasons Iapos;m not actually at liberty to mention.)

I happened to say something off-hand to Andre about Drea as we were sorting, which apparently betrayed the fact that I really donapos;t like her. Still.� When he called me on it, he sounded surprised that Iapos;d really managed to hang on to that level of dislike for so long.� "Itapos;s been two years, Babe"� was his reaction. �


Iapos;m sure it makes me a vile, petty person that I canapos;t get past the issues I have with her and just let it go already.� But I canapos;t, and wonapos;t.� Period.� Iapos;m sitting on a good, solid, simmering loathing here that Iapos;m fairly certain is going to go the distance.� I have absolutely no interest in letting bygones be bygones.� Iapos;m not the "water under the bridge" type in the best of times, and she isnapos;t a person Iapos;m willing to extend the effort to by any means.

My apologies to the people reading this who are still on good terms with her.� I know it can be an awkward position to be in, and I donapos;t mean to cause drama.� Iapos;d submit that if you dug a pile of your fianceapos;s exes clothes�(including unmentionables) out of his closet, youapos;d need to vent a little too.

bromuret, congregational federation, congregational federation of australia, congregational gbod.org, congregational government, congregational health.

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